
This is the border that separates Blood Moon territory from the other packs in the area. Lone wolves come here to seek acceptance into the pack. There is a line of trees and foliage around much of the perimeter, allowing pack members to spy on newcomers, as much as they can spy without being seen. Grass is scarce and comes in patches along the ground, which is mostly dusty and tan in color.
The Rendezvous Site is where they usually hang out and converse with others, also where meetings will take place. A stream runs through this area, allowing for refreshment as well as other animals which make for good hunting. There is much grass in the area, as well as trees for cover that leads to the pack's border, and for pups to play hide-and-seek in. Off to the side is a large, flat rock known as Alpha's Rock where whomever is holding a pack meeting will sit (or stand) as they speak.
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The Apache River was named such because it is rumored an Apache tribe lived in the area long ago. You can still find little tokens of their existence every so often, including arrowheads and broken pottery. The river is a serene river for the most part, but some areas do get rough so pups do need to be watched when they are here so they don't fall in and drowned. There are trees along the bank and scattered in the area. The river eventually becomes a stream that leads to Blood Moon's Rendezvous Site.
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created by Diana last post by Diana
Oct 3, 2015 9:17:05 GMT -5

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